Yesterday, my granddaughter found my knitting looms.  She put one on her head and walked around going, “I princess!”  She also loaded herself up with treasures (jewels) from Grandma’s treasure box. (A box of kids ‘treasures’ they are allowed to play with.) She wasn’t very cooperative with Grandma trying to get a picture, but here she is:

“I Princess!”

Oh for the trust of a 2 year old!  She is fully aware that she is special with no doubts whatsoever.  The day before we were having a discussion about who loves her.  To my surprise, she said, “Gramma luv me.”  She then proceeded to go down the list, “Jesus luv me”, “Daddy luv me”, “Mommy luv me”, and so on.  Wow!

Later, during the quiet hours after she has gone to sleep and Grandma is nodding off, God reminded me that “I Princess!”  So much of life rubs away at that trust as we proceed through life.  Harsh words, hurt feelings, and worse happen to us and we internalize it, thinking something is wrong with us instead of the other person.  I’m not sure I’ve ever met an adult who does not have  or has had self-esteem issues.  That little devil sits on our shoulder whispering lies to us about the events of our lives.

Grandpa:  “Linda was so cute when she….”

The enemy’s whisper:  “See, he doesn’t think you’re cute or he wouldn’t talk about her all the time.”

The truth:  He is talking about Linda because she is not there and I am.

This is but one minor example of how we take someone’s actions or words and make it all about us when, in reality, it may (and probably does) have nothing at all to do with us.  I see this clearly in my grandchildren as they pout over perceived slights, holler ‘not fair’, or act out to take attention from another.  Ah, that sin nature makes itself seen so early!

As Grandma, I try to counter those lies when I see them.  Unfortunately, they don’t always listen or understand.   As adults, it is imperative that we look back through those hurts in our lives and shine some truth on them.  We all know people who are bitter and negative because of “all the things that happened to them”.  It’s not pretty.  Their lives are not pretty.  They spread their poison to everyone who enters their lives.  How sad!

What lies have you believed?  Do you recognize that God and many others really love you, like you, and want to be with you?  Do you understand that you are a ‘prince’ or ‘princess’.  Do you understand how much God loves you and how much He wants to do for, through, and with you?  Have you allowed the truth to eradicate the negative feelings or behaviors you have picked up over the years?  Do you realize that you only see part of a picture? 

I hope next time you start feeling down about yourself or your accomplishments, you will put on your crown and say, “I Princess!” or “I Prince!” and bask in the love that has been freely given to you.  YOU are SPECIAL!