Sorry it’s not a better picture – use your imagination 🙂

Shared at the right is one of my absolute favorite scenes.    This scene is in Kentucky, just before going over the bridge into Cincinnati, Ohio.  You come down a steep grade for the last two miles and go around a curve to be met by this site.  It always makes me catch my breath, and it always reminds me of the “city on a hill” or heaven.  I’ve seen this site more times than I care to say, starting when I was about 8, but it still gets me.  When we moved to the Cincy area a few years ago, it was like coming home for me because that sight and that bridge (over the Ohio River) have been a constant in my life and something I always loved and looked forward to (going South or North).


Downtown Cincinnati

Downtown Cincinnati (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Recently, I was cogitating randomly, and I thought it sure would be nice if I had a straight road that went from my house to my gks house (maybe over top of other roads… so no traffic. . . .    God whispered to me, “Boy, you’re never satisfied are you?”   He reminded me that he moved me 2 hours closer before I even had grandchildren.  AND–I 71 is 3 miles from my house and 8 miles from the gks home.  So, I do have a road (fairly straight) from here to there.  I get almost entirely highway all the way!   How ungrateful of me.  Father forgive me for always wanting more.  (See last post:  But I need you!)


In trying to be creative, I decided to put the word random in the thesaurus to see if I could come up with a less-used word.  Then I put in thoughts (because ramblings lead to something else entirely).   How do you like these:

Haphazard Happenings

Aimless Intuitions

Designless Deliberations

Indiscriminate Musings

Hit-or-miss Rationalizations

Driftless Discernings

Irregular Inferences

Slapdash Speculations

Promiscuous Perceivings

Hmmmmmmmm.   Do you have a favorite?


Isn’t it funny how we don’t like people who are like us?  Seeing ourselves in others (whether we recognize it or not) is not fun.  The Daughter and the Husband do NOT get along well.  Why?  2 peas in a pod.   We have a friend who is quite the talker when she gets going.  My Mother-in-law is also quite the talker.  Now-a-days her conversations are repeated over and over, but the talking continues even without the memory.  Anyway, last week we were out to dinner with the friend who had not seen us for a while and had a lot to say.  Ginny was sitting at the far end of the table.   With her 2 yo mind, she turns to my daughter and says in her best 2 yo, loud voice.  “What in the world is she yammering about down there?”   YIKES!   Not to worry, the talker didn’t even skip a beat, even when my daughter then  told her Grandma, “She’s yammering about her job.”   Ain’t life fun?

I hope you all have those promiscuous random moments to enjoy in your own life. 😀         Oops, I think this one got published first!  Ah well,  ……