
Coming Home

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If anyone is still following this blog, you know that I have disappeared from the scene for a while, well almost a year.  It’s been a long year, but I want to write again.  I love you all, but I will probably not be trying to keep up with every post on everyone’s blog as it’s just overwhelming and not a wise use of my time.  I will also not be posting every day right now.  I’m going to shoot for two to three times a week for now.  I have missed you all so much!  Many things have changed in this year and my mother-in-law is moving in with us this Saturday.  Hopefully, she will not keep me from writing.

She has been in a nursing home for a while as respite care for my sister-in-law who has cared for her for about 5 years.  We aren’t very happy with how it’s going (no disrespect to the home).  She’s not happy either.  She’s also far away, so visiting is difficult.  So, we have decided to take her in.  My husband has been working feverishly to get the house ready and we’re closer than we were.  Lot’s of downsizing the amazing amount of junk we’ve accumulated plus new looks for two bedrooms – ours and hers.

I have surrendered this to God, because, quite frankly, I’m a bit frightened about this.  I know God has got my back though.  I have also taken off quite a bit of weight, largely due to medication changes that have allowed me to be much more mobile, and started personal training at the gym.  This should help with the physical concerns in taking care of her.

The blog may take a bit of a turn, as I will be adding some reviews and other items here.  Since the blog is about communication, everything really can be related to that topic, making it easier on me.  I will continue to discuss communication skills and spills between God, us, and others.  I hope you will jump back on the ride with me and enjoy!   Angie 🙂

Who polled God?


Today I exercised –


my right to vote!


Graphic showing how the popular vote winner ca...

Graphic showing how the popular vote winner can lose the electoral vote. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I hope you all in the US did the same.  I also hope that we can learn to live with the results, remembering that God is in charge, not the elected officials (or any other kind).  It’s amazing how quickly people forget that in the heat of the battle.  We should study and pray about our vote and make sure to cast it, but the results are in God’s hands alone and for His purposes.


I am really sad at what I have seen over the last few days months years as a dichotomy has widened the gap between people in this country.  The mud-slinging, cheating, lying, and more does not honor our country or God.  It also doesn’t honor those who engage in it.   I see a lot of finger-pointing, but it is arrogant to assume one person has the corner on being right.  We all have some things right and some wrong.  When it comes to issues we vote on, the Christian should hit his/her knees first, asking God for the truth.  Then he/she should search the scripture for God’s truth.  When God says yes, no, go, don’t go, or anything else, we should follow.


Bridging the gap requires spiritual knowledge, but it also requires good communication:  with the Father and with fellow human beings.  This is a subject that would take much more room than we have here to cover fully, but I hope you get the idea.  If we eschew communication in favor of judging, arguing, name calling, pride, etc., we have a big problem.


One of the meanings of being “United” states, is that we abide by the laws of the land (that do not violate God’s laws) and we work together when the vote is counted.  I hope no bad behavior will be in the news tomorrow no matter who wins the election.  I also hope that we can find a way to turn the tide.   “If MY people, who are called by MY name. . . . ”

Whose plan are you following?


A few weeks ago I hosted my annual end-of-the-year Sunday School Class Party.  After spending many hours and lots of $$$ preparing for the party, things did not go as planned.


1.  Had Ginny (The Mother-in-law, but I knew this one).

2.  Wednesday before the Friday night party, I get a text from my son saying he and his entire family were coming for the weekend and arriving Friday afternoon.  That’s 2 adults and 4 grandkids added to the mix.

3.  Drama.  I don’t know what happened yet, but some kind of drama happened in youth group [I know that surprises all who know youth] on Wednesday and half the group did not show as a result.

4.  Some of the ones that did show did not want to participate in planned activities.  Grandchildren wanted to participate in ALL the activities.

5.  Isn’t that enough?

You know what?  Life is that way sometimes.  No matter what we plan, God is in control of what happens.  He knew all about what would happen at the party.  He is in charge of any results from the party.  I did my part by planning, God will do His part in the hearts of the students and others attending.


Best laid plans. . .

Most of us like to have a plan in place.  Plans help us feel ‘in control’ of our lives.  They do, that is, until things go awry.  I know some people who freak out when they have their plans usurped.   I know others who make no plans to avoid disappointment.  God doesn’t mind us making our plans, as long as we don’t leave Him out of the loop or raise a fuss when He has other ideas.


Trusting His plan gives life balance

His Plan.

Fortunately, God has a plan.  These are some things we can know about His plans.


►His plans never fail.

“…I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me, 10 Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure:” Isaiah 46:9-10


►His plans include my good.

“11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.” Jeremiah 29:11


►No matter who governs me or my country, God is my ultimate ruler.

“For the kingdom is the Lord’s, and He rules over the nations” Psalm 22:28

Knowing the above, I feel safe, even when my plans go awry.  I trust that God had a purpose in it all, and that He will carry that purpose out, whether I am aware of it or not.  I think we need a reminder of this, especially as those in the USA face the upcoming election.  No one can get in office unless God allows it for His reasons.  This helps me to know that:


►A person cannot cheat his/her way in.

►It’s not the end of the world if my candidate is not selected.  It is in God’s plan, and the end of the world will be when He declares it.

►I don’t have to be swayed by circumstances.  I know who has me in His hands regardless of the circumstances.  I know Him.  I trust Him.  That determines my attitudes and actions, not circumstances.


I hope as the world seems to have turned upside down, you will place your trust in the only place where it is safe.  Then I hope you will join me in determining to rise above the fray and bring a breath of fresh air into a sticky situation.  My hope is in God, not Obama or Romney.


How about you?  I’d love to hear your thoughts. 🙂



It’s Random Time!


Today I want to take a leaf from Derek Mansker’s Lego Jar posts.   It’s random time!  My 4 and 2 yo grandchildren were here for a week recently.    The older one (boy) had the green-eyed monster taking over all week.  You see, he has a fractured clavicle, and had to sleep in another bed and not with Grandma and Marilyn.  He was so not happy.  So all week if she hugged, he hugged; if she wanted something, he wanted it.  What a week it was!!!  We all survived though.


Today was go home day.  Grandson has decided his family needs to move here and become my neighbors.  Then he could come and see me every day like he does my dad right now.  At lunch, he spent about 15 minutes making a very detailed map.  As we headed toward the meeting place to give them back to the parents, he was peering closely at his map.  I went a different way to the interstate, and he said, “Grandma, you’re going the wrong way.  You have to go that way (pointing).  I explained the different route.  He kept looking at the map all the way and pointing out when we reached certain places.  He’d say something like, “Yup, that’s it.  You gotta go this way to get to my house, Grandma.”  If you can make anything out of this map, let me know.  It looks like a mess to me, but he was very serious about following it.  I hope he’ll be that serious about following God’s map for his life!


Marilyn (2) didn’t want to go home today.  She kept taking my face and saying, “You MY gramma!” before kissing me.  So sweet!  Wouldn’t it be great if we loved God so much that we grabbed ahold of Him and said, “You MY God!” on a regular basis?  We’re always wanting a blessing from Him, but how often do we seek to bless Him?


Last week, when we went down to pick up the kids (and work on Son’s trailer), Marilyn kept trying to sneak off with a honey packet my Dad had on his tray.  She finally stomped her foot and said, “It’s fo my mouth!”   She didn’t get it, but that was so hard to resist!  Do we long for the temporary “sweetness” of sin?


When we arrived to pick them up, I was met at the van by the two youngest.  Roland was jumping around and excited for about 10 feet.  Then he suddenly remembered his fractured clavicle.  He stopped, bent the hurt shoulder down and put his hand on it, moaned, and walked like that the rest of the way.  Hmmm.   All week he would suddenly remember his injury when it was convenient.  Do we have ‘convenient’ injuries we use as an excuse not to do something for God or others?


I have no doubt that my youngest granddaughter is the smartest of the 4.  Why?  She’s very good at flying under the radar.  When Marilyn gets quiet, it’s time to PANIC!  You can be certain she’s doing something she’s not supposed to do.  The picture shows one incidence that happened this week.


She took the inside out of a marker.  Fortunately, soaking in soapy water returned all but under her nails to the right color.  Grandma had a few blue spots though.  What do we do when we think no one is looking?  Do we think it’s ok to do what we want as long as we don’t get caught?


Welcome to a glimpse into my world!

What are your impossibles?


We all need a reminder at times that God can and does do anything.  Is anything to hard for God?  NO!

I recently began to make a list of “impossibles” for myself to post on my prayer wall — things I can’t do.

I look forward to ticking these off as God does the impossible again.

The only catch is that we have to give our imposssibles to Him.


Yesterday I shared how God gave me a song to minister to my soul and calm my fears as I struggled with problems my loved ones were facing.

But there is more to the story. Even as God calmed my fears through the words of this song and reminded me to praise him, He reaffirmed those thoughts in another way.

My sister and I both love books and she recently sent me 3, of which one was the Assemblies of God devotional, “God’s Word For Today.” That same night I picked up the devotional and read the one for that day.  It was called, “Suddenly Everything Changed.”

The scripture with the devotion was Acts 12:7.  It reads, “Suddenly an angel of the Lord appeared and a light shone in the cell.  He struck Peter on the side and woke him up.  “Quick get up!” he said, and the chains fell off Peter’s wrists.”

The devotion…

View original post 284 more words

The Power of a Smile


There is something you own that you can give away and still keep:  your smile.

Smile 2

Smile 2 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Have you ever had a down day and someone’s smile lightened your load?  I have, and I try to remember there are others out there who need a smile too.  A smile is like a ray of sunshine bursting forth through the clouds.  It uplifts both the giver and the receiver.  Today I’d like to share some quotes with you about smiling.  I hope these will put a smile on YOUR face!



One smile can’t change the world, but your smile changes mine. –Laurie


Keep a smile on your face and let your personality be your autograph. — Unknown


So many languages in the world, and a smile speaks them all. –Unknown


Today, if a smile comes to you, a happy smile that perhaps you can’t explain, it’s because in that moment I am thinking of you and smiling too. –Unknown


If you’re not using your smile, you’re like a man with a million dollars in the bank and no checkbook.
– Les Giblin


What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity. These are but trifles, to be sure, but scattered along the life’s pathway, the good they do is inconceivable.
– Joseph Addison


Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.  –Unknown


A smile of encouragement at the right moment may act like sunlight on a closed-up flower; it may be the turning point for a struggling life.


A smile is a light in the window of the soul, indicating that the heart is at home. –Unknown


All these quotes and many more can be found here:  http://www.coolnsmart.com/smile_quotes/

♫You can smile

♫When you can’t say a word

♫You can smile

♫When you cannot be heard

♫You can smile

♫Whether cloudy or gray!

♫You can smile any time of the day!

(Anyone remember this little ditty?

above or below 🙂


♫♪ It isn’t any trouble just to S-M-I-L-E!

♫♪It isn’t any trouble just to S-M-I-L-E!

♫♪If you’re ever in trouble,

♫♪it will vanish like a bubble

♫♪If you only take the trouble

♫♪just to S-M-I-L-E   ☺

The Power of Words


What if what I wished for was not what I wanted?  — Me


This post could turn into a liturgy of unanswered prayers to thank God for, followed by a country song to that effect.  However, that’s not what I meant when I thought this thought.  My focus here is on the words we speak.  For example, I used to wish my husband would change an aspect about himself that I didn’t like.  Well, he has changed, but that’s not what I meant.  I wanted him to keep doing things, but I wanted the attitude to change.  I guess I should have been more specific when I prayed about it?


Just fix it please!

Sometimes we don’t totally think through the things we think we want.  We don’t look at the aftermath, the unintended consequences, or God’s wisdom and timing in His plans for our life.  We don’t even know what we really want, we just throw out a generic “help, change it” because we’re stressed or worried about something in our life.  As we have discovered in the last few years, you can’t just wish for “change”, because it might not be the kind of change you want to have.  In a way, this is a very shallow form of thinking where we look for a way out of the pain of today.


And fix it now!

Have you ever wanted something, even asked God for it, and then set about making it happen yourself?  I think we all have.  We want it and we want it now.  When we go ahead of God things just don’t turn out like we envisioned them.  God may have wanted that for us too, but the timing was not right.  So we move ahead of God and wind up losing that thing we wanted or realize it’s not what we really wanted at all.  Sometimes we miss the best God has for us because we won’t wait.  We go ahead and finagle answers for ourself.  God says, “Ok, if that’s how you want it…”.  He gave us free will and won’t force us to wait.  But how many more blessings would we receive, how much less pain, if we would only wait on His timing?



When we talk to God, to others, or even our selves, it’s important to think through what we say.  We’ve discussed many ways communication can go wrong in this blog, and this is another.  Someone I know (who does this a lot) brought a project over to the house and said, “This is what I’d like to do.”  What she meant is “This is what I’d like YOU to do.”  I make it a policy not to jump in when people don’t specify what they really want (most of the time) because I’ve learned that it enables that other person to make assumptions he or she should not make.  {If you want something from me, come out and ask me.}  Sometimes speaking in generalities works fine, but when we really think we want something, it pays to get specific with yourself, with others, and with God.  This is not for God’s sake; He already knows what we really want.   Awareness of what we really ask for and what that means helps us not to get what we wished (prayed) for when that’s not what we really wanted at all.


Take It


When a yearning rises up inside

And pulls your heart toward

Just put it in the Master’s hands

And be in one accord.


Those things we want and think we need

Must haves and ‘rescue me’s

Come from a desperately sinful heart

We must seek Him on our knees


And surrender every want and need

to His amazing, well-mapped plan

For He’s the one who knows us best

And has since before time began


We speak our thoughts and wait

For His blessings in His time

Hands clasped in supplication

as He works His plan sublime


For we know not the future

nor what will cause us pain

So we trust Him to know us better

Our trust won’t be in vain


Angela Masters Young c 2012

Time for a Checkup


I have been a very bad girl.  I recently ran out of medications, and with no refills available, I had to call my doctor.  I’ve actually only seen that doctor once, and have debated about going back to him versus going back to my other health care provider or seeking someone else entirely.  He was busy, so I was scheduled to see His wife.  I think this was a God thing.  You see, it had been a year and a half since I had been to the doctor.  I had not been taking care of myself for a long time for various reasons, and it’s time to get this back under control.  The good news is that my blood sugars and my asthma are both doing well.


Another issue I struggle with is weight.  I had lost about 70lbs and was doing well.  Then I got it in my head that I would start taking my diabetes medications like I’m supposed to.  Big mistake?  I don’t know, but I gained all that weight back and more in a matter of a couple months, even though I stopped as soon as I realized what had happened.  With a bum knee and all the extra weight piled on, I am in worse shape than ever.  And I am discouraged.


English: A doctor listens to the lungs of 3-ye...

English: A doctor listens to the lungs of 3-year old boy. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Why do I tell you this?  Sickness of the body (or lack of physical good health) often keeps us from being the people God created us to be.  My struggles keep me chained, in a sense, and hold me back from being/doing what I would like to do.   Even ministry items have to be thought out carefully before taking them on.  Many of those things that a normal 54 year old woman can do, I cannot.  I’ve had medical issues all my life and have had to adjust my life to accommodate them.  But, I often get frustrated because I want to be like everyone else (or as I perceive them).  Fortunately, many health issues can be taken care of by medication or just waiting for them to pass.   Sometimes, God chooses to completely heal.  All the time He is in the process.


So, when it comes to doing things like playing with the grandkids, going to the mall with my daughter, having a party for my Sunday School Class, and much more, I often have to pass or get help.  In one sense, that keeps me dependent on God, and that’s a good thing!  On the other hand, it limits my ability to relate with others doing every day things.   It’s amazing how God uses my ‘dis’ abilities at times, so I trust Him that He’ll give me the ability to do what He wants me to do, but I also wonder how many times I’ve let Him down because I just can’t do some things.


How’s your Health?

All of the above, a struggle I have on a daily basis, got me thinking about spiritual health.  God is much more concerned with my spiritual health than my physical health, and the only disability there is me.  How do you measure spiritual health?  How often do we miss out on ministry opportunities because our spiritual health is not very good?  How do we get healthy once we realize we’ve become spiritually sick?


http://www.freeclipartnow.com/science/medicine/Sin Sick

The first way spiritual sickness strikes is common to man:  sin sickness.  Those who have not accepted Christ have a sickness unto death, and the remedy is to let Jesus cover your sin with His blood and make you white and whole again.   Sin sickness still lurks in the natural man while we’re on earth, however.   If we are not progressing toward becoming like Christ, we may have allowed our sin sickness to taint our spiritual health again.  We heal this problem by keeping short accounts with God, confessing our sin, and getting right with our God.



Another way we can become spiritually sick is through busyness.  Are you so busy you let your quiet time slip?  Do you go through the motions, looking churchy, but feeling bankrupt inside?  When we get busy, especially busy doing “God’s Work”, we may let our relationship with said God (and others) slip without even realizing it.


Wrong Thoughts

We can do all the right things but for all the wrong reasons.  If we do things to be seen by man, because we feel like it’s an obligation, or to be with our friends, we may have a problem.   All of those things are ok, but not if they are our motivation.  Our thoughts determine so much about us.  They also act as a barometer or thermometer to tell us we’re having problems and need to get help.


7 For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he:…”  Proverbs 23:7a

“For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”  Luke 12:34

Fortunately, the Great Physician is always on call, 24/7.  He gave us a prescription for spiritual maladies in the Bible, and sends His Spirit to help us understand the medications and convict us let us know when we’ve become spiritually sick.

Here’s hoping you find yourself healthy after this check up 😀  If not, I recommend you put in a call to the Great Physician.

The Spider Connection


Did you know that spiders have a constant thread of webbing coming out of them no matter where they go?  I suppose this comes in handy if they fall.  Did you know their thread is one of the strongest elements, and scientists are looking to duplicate it?  It’s strong and always present.  Spiders also use their threads to weave beautiful designs.  Some of their webs are quite beautiful.  Imagine a walk in the morning and finding a beautiful web spread across the plants or grass, glistening with the dew as it awaits its next victim.  OK, for my analogy’s sake, let’s say it’s waiting for the next spider wannabe.


What analogy, you say?  This one:  Christians should always have a thread attaching them to the Father.  I like to think of the thread as prayer, but it could include other forms of worship and relationship building with our God.  It’s there to keep us from falling, among other things.


The thread between a follower and his or her God is a strong one.  In fact, it’s unbreakable.  Once attached to God, it’s a forever thing.


As we go about our lives, living for Him and touching others, our lives create a beautiful design.  The design draws others to want what we have.  Others want to know how we have peace in the midst of terrible circumstances.  They want to know how our life makes such a beautiful design while their’s appears a broken mess.


Are you like the spider?  Are you leaving a trail that speaks of Jesus wherever you go?  Do you hang on to Him at all times?  Is your life one of beauty to those who see it?  Are you leaving a worthy legacy?  Fortunately, because we have that thread of attachment, we can depend on God to take care of those things.  He creates the beauty.  Do you find Christian analogies in the creations around you?

Stop in for some Refreshment


After giving a lecture to the people who were standing around gawking at a man who had just been healed about how the power to perform this came from the Jesus they rejected and hung on the cross, Peter says this:


Repent therefore, and return, that your sins may be wiped away, in order that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord.  Acts 3:19


We’ve talked a lot about repentance here, but today I want to talk about the last part of that verse.   Have you ever felt the need for refreshing?  I know I have many times.  “Life do get tedious sometimes” as my mother used to say, and we get tired in our walk.  At such times, we long for a time of peace and refreshment.


Here he is specifically discussing those who are sin-sick and in need of refreshment.  The principle works for all, however, because Jesus is the source of refreshment, peace, rest, and everything else we need.


For the lost:


Those who have rejected Jesus walk around in the darkness.  They seek to meet their needs in sin, but sin leads to death.  It’s like having a cancer that slowly eats you away from the inside.  I heard recently of a woman who found out she had cancer two weeks before she died.  She had walked around with this cancer around her and had no idea it was killing her.


Jesus is the healer:


Jesus heals the sin-sick soul.  He brings His righteousness and His refreshment and His healing to the person who turns to Him, the great Physician.


For followers:


While we have the refreshment and healing that comes from choosing to repent and follow Jesus, we still have a rough row to hoe at times and need refreshment.  Imagine a farmer out tending to his crops.  Those of you who do farm will understand the work it takes to bring in that crop.  It’s long, hard, exhausting work.  When you come in from the field, you need refreshment.  You don’t just think, hmm, I’d like some refreshment; you go after it.  You probably need a drink the most, but you also need sustenance and rest to rebuild you for the work to come the next day.


Jesus is the refresher:


Esau, after a hard day of hunting, came in to smell the stew his brother, Jacob, had prepared.  He needed refreshment so much; he was willing to give up his birthright for it.  He is an example of a person trying to get refreshment through sin.  It may have felt good for a while, but it was very temporary – unlike his decision to give up his birthright.


Jesus is the Living Water: 

Falling Water Falls

Falling Water Falls (Photo credit: dbarronoss)


When Jesus refreshes, it’s not a temporary thing.  As long as we’re walking with Him, we will be refreshed.  It’s like having a living water IV.


14 But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.   John 4:14



Bread (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Jesus is the Bread of Life:


Along with providing Living Water, Jesus also provides the Bread of Life.  This bread fills us and gives us the strength to keep going.  It refreshes and provides life – abundant life!


And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst.  John 6:35


Jesus is the Light of Life:


Have you ever walked into a dark house and stumbled over something?  It refreshes to turn on the light so you can see what’s in front of you.  Jesus provides the eternal Light that shows us the way.


I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. (John 8:12)



Jesus: He’s the real thing! Refresh (Photo credit: katerha)

Jesus is Everything we Need:


Do you need refreshment?  Take a moment to cuddle up close to Jesus and receive the refreshment He offers.  It’s better than anything sin has to offer for sure.  Taste and see that the Lord, He is good!


O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him.  Psalm 34:8


Descriptions of Christ  http://www.parentcompany.com/awareness_of_god/doctoc.htm


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